Infectious diseases are caused by various microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which are directly or indirectly transmitted to humans. Patients with disorders of immunity (congenital, acquired like HIV, transplant patients, patients receiving chemotherapy) are especially prone to develop infections, at times more than one or recurrent. The risk of emergence of new exotic infections and re-emergence of eradicated infections is high as global travel has increased in recent times.
Infectious diseases specialists are extensively trained in diagnosing and managing wide variety of infectious cases, in patients with normal or compromised immunity. They have detailed knowledge of travel and infectious diseases and methods of prevention including vaccinations.
The Infectious Disease service is a subspecialty of Internal Medicine, focusing on quality management, particularly tropical infections, tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, organ transplant related infections, invasive fungal infections and fevers of unknown origin.
In this era, patients with illnesses can have complicated infections which require multidisciplinary management. The intervention of an infectious diseases specialist helps optimize the treatment and make the most appropriate use of all available resources.